Friday, 14 July 2017

Long Weekend Getaway

Hi guys welcome back.
It's been kind of long time since my last post, sorry I've been not that productive in writing lol.
Well since I got no idea what to write and that's why I decided to not write
But well, on last Eid Mubarak or last 24th of June 2017, my friends and I decided or planned to visit Kuching, Malaysia. We went there by Bus from Pontianak, Indonesia, we used Damri's bus which is cost us about Rp. 410.000,- for each of us, it was for round trip.

Well, actually the bus ticket's price from Indonesia to Malaysia is only Rp. 230.000,- and the one from Malaysia to Indonesia is Rm. 180,00,- (with the exchange rate Rm. 1 = Rp. 3000,-)
Okay, let us jump to the trip.

We left the International bus' station around 9.15 PM which is scheduled 9.00 PM but I guess it is ok, since it only delayed 15 minutes. At that time my friends and I got the back seat. And well my friends' names are Kelly and Vebiola. They are my high school friends. And that night I swear I was so tired and since I feel nausea I remembered that I threw up for 4 times. Well, I know that it is so bad. And cause of that I was nearly give up and have no idea what should I do if I kept throwing up. We arrived at the country border area, Entikong, Indonesia around 2.00 AM. I knew it cause I was awake when the bus stop. And well we need to  wait til 5.00 AM for the gate to open so we can go to imigration to have our passport stamp.

Well, it took us some kind too long in Indonesia's Imigration. after we got our passport stamped we left and still need about 2hours or something to finally arrived at Kuching's International Bus Station.

So let's move on from my road trip. I finally arrived at Kuching, and picked up by my mom's friend, well my mom's friend has a lodging and my friends and I decided to stay there for 2 nights.
it is located in Lorong Rock 2C NO. 68.
this is the name card of the lodging's owner

I arrived there around 11 AM, I know it is so late already, so my friends and I decided we just gonna take a bath then go out for luch. we decided to have lunch at the nearest restaurant there, well I'm sorry I forgot the restaurant's name and didnt take any pics of the food there. But for the rate it is ok. well kind of too sweet I guess lol, after having our lunch we just walk to buy simcard cause the wifi in our lodging was so slow and we think we can't stay just with that slow internet connection lol, the sim card cost around Rm 8,00 and also have Rm 5,00 balance in it, also with unlimited internet access for Instagram, facebook and 200 minutes free calls. But I bought Rm. 10,00 balance for watching youtube lol. 

After that we decided to go back to the lodging, and I slept again cause I was so tired, while my friends just wacthing K-drama. I woke up around 5.00PM Malaysia's time. and we take a bath and order an uber to Everise it is like a shopping centre. Yeah we shopped way too much there lol, we bought snacks, noodle, accessories, coffee and many more. after that we just went to have dinner at foodcourt near there. around 8.30 we decided to go back to the lodging I know we didnt go anywhere that much for that day 1. 

Day 2, I didn't sleep much the night before. I slept around 2 in the morning and woke up at 6, cause was disturbed by my friend. and my friends up around 9 in the morning, then we just get ready, and well after we are ready we order uber again to Vivacity Megamall. it was around 12 I guess. we arrive there and shopping again I know we spent too much time for shopping lol, after that we have our lunch at the food court, I was having a japanese cuisine
it is Gyudon

after having our lunch we just head to Kaison it is a store that sell so many cute things thats why we decided to go there. and yet again we shop again lol. we spent time there for around 2 hours I guess. then we decided to go back to the lodging to have a rest. after that around 5PM we head to main bazaar, it is a place to buy 'ole ole' lol if you are Indonesian and you're reading this then you know what I mean haha. we were there till 7PM, after that we order another uber to go to Spring mall. to well shop lol we actually looking for something but we didnt get the thing we want. so after that we just decided to have dinner. Well we were having Indonesian's cuisine lol. 

After that we just back to the lodging again using uber. we arrive a  our lodging around 11 PM. after that we just pack our things cause we gotta go back the next morning. our bus left around 8 AM Kuching's time or around 7AM Indonesia's time. 

well yeah thats it lol, I know its boring but I promise to try harder on my next travel blog. I'm promising myself to travel more lol. well okay that it is my first travel blog lol. I know I didnt spend that much time, but promise to go back there soon. and going to travel the city more.
your truly

Shintya Theresha Silvana.

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